About Me

About Me

My name is Madeline Gomez but everyone calls me Mady. I’ve always loved to cook.

As a child my greatest memories are all about family, friends, traveling, food and how to mix these. I was so young when started cooking that I remember standing on a chair because I couldn’t even reach the countertop. The first thing I ever cooked by myself where these brownies made from scratch for my brother and to this day they are his favorite! I am a self taught chef but I can’t take all the credit, both my grandmothers and my mom cooked amazing and I grew up with these great teachers! Our idea of a small party was just us… and by that we meant 80 of us, so cooking for crowds is second nature to me.
This is how Mady’s Kitchen came to be, my friends kept telling me that I shouldn’t keep my love of cooking confined to my kitchen, one day a friend asked me to cater her Christmas party, that turned into her friends asking me to cater theirs…pretty soon, my passion for cooking became Mady’s Kitchen.
The best thing about doing what you love for a living is that it doesn’t feel like working. Sometimes after a full week of events I relax By inviting all my friends and cooking dinner. I don’t have a favorite dish, but my friends certainly do and it’s roasted chicken with onions and potatoes and for desert there’s always guava bread pudding.
Cooking is so intimate,This is why I don’t have a fixed menu, I meet with my clients on a one to one basis and design their menus according to their needs, whether it vegetarian, gluten free, carb conscious…
Everyone has different food Preferences especially here in Miami where there is such a large mix of cultures. It is a challenge to prepare a menu that pleases everyone and is also different, creative and out of the box.
The biggest reward you get as a chef is your repeat clients. Not because of the obvious which is to continue your business but because with so many choices out there, to have them ask you to do events over and over means they are loving what you do.